SAMA & CMA compliant

AI workflow & decision engine for

Automate days of work in minutes. Let your employees focus on smart work rather than busywork.
Sarj is trusted by leading firms

Endless opportunities for automation

We've been mainly focused on these usecases, however our engine can handle any usecase you throw at it

Credit underwriting
Grow your loan portfolio without growing your team of analyst with data driven decisions
Digital onboarding
Onboard customers and businesses instantly. From KYB to restaurant menus, we have it all
Customer service
Get insights on your customer service team or solve the issue before it even gets there. Can input voice or text

Digitize and embed documents from any format

We can read any type of document including but not limited to:

Financial documents

Audited financials, bank statements, SIMAH reports, IBAN letters, etc.


Receipts, invoices, purchase orders, contracts, etc.

Incorporation documents

CR, Establishment contract, national ID, passport, etc.

Restaurant menus

Digital menus, physical menus, excel menus, etc.

Integrate with all your existing services

Databases, CRMs, APIs, we connect to everything!

Outscale your competition with a fraction of the headcount